Hearts That Care
On April 22, 1970, a record shattering 20 million people gathered in the streets of the United States to acknowledge that our planet earth was experiencing the dire consequences of over a hundred years of unchecked industrialization. We are concerned that there isn’t enough of a collective effort to make the changes needed to secure the future of our future generations.
Hearts that Care.org, is doing their part to raise awareness to the most important conversation of our generation. The climate crisis is real! “The climate change is a real and immediate threat to millions of people. The consequences are already visible on populations weakened by conflicts, displacements, tensions over available resources. Fighting against climate change is limiting the impact of humanitarian crises”. ClimateandCrises.com
We may be coming to the end of all certainty about our long-term existence on the planet. And this change dwarfs almost every event in human history. We can't avoid living with the consequences of that now…. We are certainly no longer secure.